I Am Chris Todd, with @IamChrisTodd

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Proposed Update to Include Bomb Shelters in the 2017 Realtors Associate Handbook

TO: team@browningassociates.com

FROM: jbrowning@browningassociates.com

RE: Buyer’s Market for Bomb Shelters

There has been an influx of buyer demand that our current team of associates has been unable to meet. None of us anticipated this shift in the housing market, but since mid-January, consumer sentiment has moved away from single-family homes in the suburbs, towards open concept bomb shelters in the ground.

Supply of available shelters remains limited and we’ve tried shifting expectations to something we’re more comfortable selling: offering potential homeowners prime real estate in up and coming tiny house neighborhoods. Despite the size similarity between a tiny house and a bomb shelter, the buyers aren’t biting. We need to adjust our approach.

That’s why it’s essential we add bomb shelter education to our office training schedule, and include detailed tips and tricks in our employee handbook. Our best market analysts believe this trend could last up to four years, with some of our more conservative analysts estimating eight. There’s a lot of money to be made if we can teach ourselves the ins and outs of military grade metals, clean air intakes, and creative storage options for cans.

We have already learned some valuable lessons speaking with potential bunker clients that may help you in the meantime while you await formal training in selling these doomsday domiciles:

First, the golden rule of ‘location, location, location’ still holds true. Though we’re finding that it’s most important in relation to locations that are ‘underground’ and ‘far away from a city center.’ We should all add ‘blast radius’ to our talking points.

Second, the hottest markets are in Blue states, but the largest supply of move-in ready shelters are in the Red. We need to find a way to bridge this supply and demand gap.

Third, bomb shelter buyers care just as much about cabinet space as the regular home buyer. If not more so.

I can make myself available to answer any more questions you might have. It’s important that we expedite this learning process as much as we can. These buyers have cash in hand and are in a hurry. We’ve already had three buyers decide to buy property in Canada instead of wait for a local bunker to open up. Apparently, the shelters up north are cleaner and better managed than the ones down here.

I will follow-up with more details soon, but I have a bidding war on an adorable 1200 square foot soviet-era fallout shelter to get back to. It’s got a lofted bedroom, a breakfast nook, and fully-furnished gun rack. With a few more commissions like this one, I should be able to hire contractors to build one just like it for my family. That’s the dream I have for me and each and every one of you.