A Self-indulgent SEO’s Attempt to Answer ‘Who is the most popular Chris Todd?’
It’s a difficult question to answer definitively. Popularity is subjective and may be different depending on the scale of the segment we look at. Who is the most popular Chris Todd in the world? Who is the most popular Chris Todd in Maryland? These will likely provide very different results unless the Maryland Chris Todd is extremely cool (and smart & good looking too!). So how do we find the best answer? Let’s dive right in.
Who is the most popular Chris Todd?
My instinct is to declare the most popular Chris Todd as the one who’s a Sr. Manager, Demand Generation at CallTrackingMettrics in Maryland, a Sr. Strategist at Br8kthru Consulting in Minneapolis, and a humorist at IamChrisTodd.com. This Chris Todd has more than 1,000 followers on Twitter and finished as a semi-finalist in the 2019 Austin Film Festival screenplay contest. Impressive!
Who are some other notable Chris Todds?
There are lots of people named Chris Todd out there. Some are popular on a national scale, some are popular among friends, and a few aren’t very much liked at all. Some of the more notable Chris Todds in the Unites States include:
Division I football player from Auburn University, Chris Todd. He has his own Wikipedia page which is a great indicator of his importance and a 100% reliable reference to link to.
What’s more popular than a celebrity? There’s a Chris Todd in Hollywood (or maybe New York?) who is best known for his role in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It’s not the best Indiana Jones movie, and thus he is probably not the best Chris Todd.
The Chris Todd who was quick enough to grab @ChrisTodd on Twitter is clearly fast. And lucky. But since his tweets are protected it’s unlikely he cares about popularity, which rules him out, even though not caring about popularity is admittedly very cool.
Methodology for selecting a Chris Todd based on popularity.
I did what any self-indulgent digital marketer and SEO would do. I Googled relevant keywords to find a sample of popularity. Long-tail keywords like:
Who is the most popular Chris Todd?
Who is the most popular Chris Todd in the United States?
Where can I find the best Chris Todd?
Who is the best looking Chris Todd?
Not quite satisfied with the results of the broad search above I dived deeper.
Who is the best looking Chris Todd in Maryland?
Who is the best looking Chris Todd in Gambrills, Maryland?
Who is the best looking Chris Todd in digital marketing?
I started to suspect my research was biased, slightly flawed, and turning away from its original purpose. And figured, that’s ok! I got the results I wanted and maybe, one day, I really will be the most popular, or smartest, or best looking, Chris Todd in the world. Until then, I hope to be your favorite Chris Todd.